We are an important resource in helping Queen鈥檚 students, staff, faculty, alumni, and parents understand policies and procedures at the university. We assist community members through awareness of their rights and responsibilities and help ensure procedural fairness in university decision-making.

with confidentiality, and impartiality to concerns about fair processes at the university

with advice and resources to help understand policies and procedures

students, staff, and faculty to navigate through university decision-making
We Do...
- help ensure procedural fairness in decision-making
- provide general advice to Queen鈥檚 community members about their rights and responsibilities
- provide guidance on procedures to follow
- refer enquirers to relevant university offices or publications
- recommend changes to university policies and procedures
- provide training and educational tools
- identify systemic issues
We Don't...
- advocate for any Queen鈥檚 community member
- provide case management
- act as a decision-maker
- overturn any university decision
- intervene in matters that could be the subject of a grievance procedure under a collective agreement
- accept notice on behalf of the university
Remember, we are an office of last resort which means we can't assist or become involved in a situation until existing processes have been pursued.