Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Computing and the Creative Arts – Specialization (Arts) – Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

COCA-P-BAH [----]-O (where [----] is a Computing and the Creative Arts Sub-Plan)

Subject: Administered by the School of Computing in partnership with the Departments of Art History and Art Conservation, Film and Media, and the Dan School of Drama and Music.
Plan: Consists of 45.00 core units and 39.00 units in one Sub-Plan, as described below.
Program: The Plan, with sufficient electives to total 120.00 units (114.00 units for students admitted prior to September 2017), will lead to a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree.

Note: Requirements for this program have been modified. Please consult the 2023-2024ÌýCalendar for the previous requirements.

1. Core
A. Complete the following:
°ä±õ³§°äÌý102Discrete Structures I3.00
°ä±õ³§°äÌý121Introduction to Computing Science I3.00
°ä±õ³§°äÌý124Introduction to Computing Science II3.00
B. Complete the following:
°ä°¿°ä´¡Ìý201Introduction to Computing and the Creative Arts3.00
C. Complete the following:
°ä±õ³§°äÌý203Discrete Structures II3.00
°ä±õ³§°äÌý204Logic for Computing Science3.00
°ä±õ³§°äÌý223Software Specifications3.00
°ä±õ³§°äÌý235Data Structures3.00
D. Complete the following:
°ä±õ³§°äÌý325Human-Computer Interaction3.00
°ä±õ³§°äÌý352Artificial Intelligence3.00
°ä±õ³§°äÌý360Programming Paradigms3.00
°ä±õ³§°äÌý365Algorithms I3.00
E. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
CISC at the 400-level
CISC_Subs at the 400-level
F. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
CISC at the 200-level or above
CISC_Subs at the 200-level or above
2. Sub-Plans
A. Complete one of the following Sub-Plans:39.00
Computing and Art (COAR-O)
Computing and Drama (CODR-O)
Computing and Film (COFI-O)
Computing and Music (COMU-O)
Elective Courses36.00
Total Units120.00


A. Computing and Art (COAR-O) (39.00)

i. Core
a. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
Art and Architecture in Britain from the Classical Period to c.1700
and Art and Architecture in Britain from c.1700 to the Present
Introduction to Global Art Histories
and Curating Art Worlds
ii. Option
a. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
ARTH at the 400-level
b. Complete 12.00 units from the following:12.00
ARTH at the 300-level or above
c. Complete 18.00 units from the following:18.00
ARTH at the 100- or 200-level
Total Units39.00

B. Computing and Drama (CODR-O) (39.00)

i. Core
a. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
Thinking Locally
and Acting Globally
Introduction to Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies
b. Complete the following:
¶Ù¸é´¡²ÑÌý200Theatre History and Literature I6.00
¶Ù¸é´¡²ÑÌý220Play Reading and Analysis3.00
c. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
Introduction to Theatre Production I
Design and Theatre
Introduction to Theatre Production II
ii. Option
a. Complete 12.00 units from the following:12.00
DRAM at the 300-level or above
b. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
DRAM _Subs
Total Units39.00

C. Computing and Film (COFI-O) (39.00)

i. Core
a. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
Thinking Locally
and Film Form and Modern Culture to 1970
Film, Media and Screen Cultures
Film, Media, and Screen Cultures: History and Aesthetics
and Film, Media, and Screen Cultures: Theory and Practice
b. Complete 12.00 units from the following:12.00
Introduction to Animation
Academic Research and Writing Methods for Film and Media
Writing Foundations for Film and Media
Historical Inquiry
Film Theory and History
Media Theory and History
Critical Inquiry
Media and Cultural Studies
Media and Popular Culture
Film and Media Concept Development
Digital Media Theory
c. Complete the following:
¹ó±õ³¢²ÑÌý250Fundamentals of Media Production3.00
ii. Option
a. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
ANIM at the 400-level
FILM at the 400-level
b. Complete 12.00 units from the following:12.00
ANIM at the 300-level or above
FILM at the 300-level or above
Total Units39.00

D. Computing and Music (COMU-O) (39.00)

i. Core
a. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
Music Fundamentals
Theory and Analysis IA
b. Complete 9.00 units from the following:9.00
Introduction to Digital Audio Recording, Editing, and Mixing
Amplified Sound in Live Contexts
Sampling and Beatmaking
Creative Production: Beats, Songs, and Soundtracks
c. Complete the following:
²Ñ±«³§°äÌý126Ear Training for Production3.00
²Ñ±«³§°äÌý257Theory of Digital Recording3.00
²Ñ±«³§°äÌý258Musical Acoustics3.00
d. Complete the following:
²Ñ±«³§°äÌý103Music, Meaning, and Society3.00
²Ñ±«³§°äÌý209Critical Issues in Contemporary Popular Music3.00
e. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
Sound Production
Composition in the Sonic Arts Studio
Developing Sound Practices in the Sonic Arts Studio
Introduction to MIDI Orchestration
ii. Option
a. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
iii. Notes
a. Students in this Sub-Plan rank with MUSC Joint Honours students for priority access to Music courses.
Total Units39.00

3. Notes

A. Students with no programming experience should review the Introductory Courses paragraph included on the School of Computing overview page in the °ä²¹±ô±ð²Ô»å²¹°ù.Ìý

B. ELEC courses are offered by the Smith Engineering. Special permission may be required to register. All such courses will count as 3.00 units towards degree requirements in Arts and Science.

C. Students who have completed a conservatory Advanced Rudiments exam or equivalent with a grade of 80% or higher may request to have a different MUSC course substituted for Core requirement 1.D.i.a.Ìý(²Ñ±«³§°äÌý104).

¶Ù.Ìý¹ó±õ³¢²ÑÌý110 has been replaced by ¹ó±õ³¢²ÑÌý111 and ¹ó±õ³¢²ÑÌý112.Ìý

E.Ìý¹ó±õ³¢²ÑÌý250 is the prerequisite course for all upper-year production courses, therefore should be taken in second year.Ìý¹ó±õ³¢²ÑÌý257 is the prerequisite course f´Ç°ùÌý¹ó±õ³¢²ÑÌý312.

F. A maximum of 6.00 units from courses offered by other Faculties and Schools may be counted toward the program and/or Plan requirements. This includes courses in BMED, COMM, GLPH, HSCI, LAW, NURS, and courses offered by Smith Engineering.

Computing and the Creative Arts Course Lists

The following lists contain courses offered through other Departments. In accordance with Academic Regulation 2.6Ìý(Access to Classes), students do not have enrolment priority in all of these courses. Access to these courses may only be made available during the Open Enrolment period, and then only if space permits.


Courses in other departments usable as CISC options
·¡³¢·¡°äÌý470Computer System Architecture 13.50
·¡³¢·¡°äÌý474Machine Vision 13.50
²Ñ´¡°Õ±áÌý272Applications of Numerical Methods3.00
²Ñ´¡°Õ±áÌý337Stochastic Models in Operations Research3.00
²Ñ´¡°Õ±áÌý401Graph Theory3.00
²Ñ´¡°Õ±áÌý402Enumerative Combinatorics3.00
²Ñ´¡°Õ±áÌý434Optimization Theory with Applications to Machine Learning3.00
²Ñ´¡°Õ±áÌý474Information Theory3.00

Note that the unit weighting system in Smith Engineering differs from that in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Therefore, upon acceptance of any course from Smith Engineering, the unit weighting towards Arts and Science degree requirements shall be at the discretion of the Associate Dean (Academic). Usually, a one-term course shall count as 3.00 units and a two-term course as 6.00 units.


Drama Substitutions
°ä³¢³§°ÕÌý312Greek and Roman Drama3.00
¶Ù¸é´¡²ÑÌý335Acting for the Screen3.00
·¡±·³Ò³¢Ìý259Global Shakespeare3.00
·¡±·³Ò³¢Ìý326Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama6.00
·¡±·³Ò³¢Ìý335English Drama to 17006.00
¹ó±õ³¢²ÑÌý381Audience Reception3.00
¹ó¸é·¡±·Ìý305Le théâtre depuis 19453.00
±õ¶Ù±õ³§Ìý210Arts in Society3.00
±õ¶Ù±õ³§Ìý410Contemporary Cultural Performance in Practice3.00
±õ°Õ³¢±·Ìý357Pirandello's Theatre3.00
³¢³¢°ä±«Ìý200Semiotics: Interpreting the World3.00
³¢³¢°ä±«Ìý257Pirandello's Theatre3.00
³¢³¢°ä±«Ìý339XX-Century Italian Playwrights: In Search of the Theatre3.00
²Ñ´¡±Ê±ÊÌý300Media and Performance II3.00
²Ñ±«³§°äÌý287Percussion Techniques and Methods3.00


Music Substitutions
¶Ù¸é´¡²ÑÌý247Drama Practicum1.50
³Ò±·¶Ù³§Ìý410Special Topics in Gender Studies3.00
±õ¶Ù±õ³§Ìý410Contemporary Cultural Performance in Practice3.00
³¢³¢°ä±«Ìý244Hips Don't Lie? Music and Culture in Latin America3.00
²Ñ´¡±Ê±ÊÌý311Sound Production3.00