The Sharing the Land, Sharing a Future National Forum was intended to engage a wide range of participants. Our goal was to explore and extend the knowledge available from the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples and our experience of the intervening 20 years to advance good relations and develop a shared responsibility for the future. Through a series of keynotes and interactive sessions, all participants contributed to developing a set of recommended priorities for all sectors of Canadian society to move forward. The National Forum also marked the renewal of the rich RCAP database of research and testimony that will contribute to public education and to evidence-based deliberations about how best to move forward.
The Forum addressed the following themes:
- How might we think of a nation to nation relationship and what are the priority actions associated with moving to achieve this?
- What are the key policy priorities for closing the gap between First Nations, Metis and Inuit Peoples and others within Canada?
- Youth are our future. What are their visions? What is enabling them and preventing them from achieving those visions for a better future?
- How do we foster widespread citizen engagement to build understanding, forge a new relationship and close the gap?
- What are the foundations of powerful and healthy First Nations, Metis and Inuit communities and how do we all build on the positive examples of sustenance and change?
- How do we move to action through engagement, research and good policy change?
The Forum Co-chairs, Marlene Brant Castellano and Frederic Wien, and the Oversight Committee gratefully acknowledge these sponsors for their generous support of Sharing the Land, Sharing the Future
This conference was organized in partnership between the
School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University and the
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, University of Manitoba.
A dialogue and conference marking the 20th anniversary of the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
Download the Agenda
Download the Final Report
Important Links:
The Forum Co-Chairs would like to acknowledge members of the RCAP20 Oversight Committee and the organizations they represent who have provided invaluable guidance and support in making the RCAP20 Forum possible. The significant contribution of Katherine Graham and David Newhouse as Program Co-Chairs is also gratefully acknowledged. Marion Lefebvre and Lynn Freeman have provided extraordinary leadership as Co-chairs of the Finance Committee.
Oversight Committee Members
- Michele Audette, Native Women’s Association of Canada
- Marlene Brant Castellano, Trent University
- Simon Brascoupé, Institute of Aboriginal Peoples’ Health (Canadian Institutes for Health Research)
- Caroline Davis, Queen’s University
- Jennifer Dockstator, Trent University
- Mark Dockstator, First Nations University of Canada
- Elizabeth Ford, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
- Lynn Freeman, School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University
- Katherine Graham, Carleton University
- Irving Leblanc, Assembly of First Nations
- Marion Lefebvre, Institute on Governance
- Ry Moran, National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
- Amy Nahwegahbow, Native Women’s Association of Canada
- Scott Serson, Canadians for a New Partnership
- Gauri Sreenivasan, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
- Eduardo Vides, Métis National Council
- Frederic Wien, Dalhousie University
- Harry Willmot, Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada